therapist in Virginia

While people-pleasing sounds like a positive thing, it can be harmful to your mental health in a variety of ways. Putting your needs aside for those of others. Feeling anxious or uneasy if someone is angry or upset, even if it’s not with you. Worrying about the state of your relationship if you make a mistake or say no. Or even having difficulty saying no, often to your detriment.

People-pleasing can often result in feeling like you have to change who you are to match who any given person or situation wants you to be, leaving you feeling as though you have to hide parts of yourself or your needs. At first, it can feel good, but it can quickly shift into anxiety, depression, and feeling pressured to always be “on”.

We can change this though - you are valid in having your own needs, emotions, and opinions. Together, we can explore how these tendencies impact you, your relationships, and your mental health, while practicing setting boundaries and communicating your thoughts and feelings with those around you. It can feel scary at first, but freedom from people-pleasing allows you to be, well, you!

I’m excited to meet you - the real you! I’m ready when you are!
